Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sunday, October 6, 2013

LCC Garheim - Arriving

After what seemed like months of rowing, the fugitives finally made it to their destination... a small isle 15 miles east from the shores of Rothburg.

As the rowboat crammed with tired, hungry refugees reached the cliff wall, a familiar voice called to them from above. 

 "Who be down there?" 
"Yalmar It's me, Sir Angus and company!" 
"Ah! Greetings, me old friend! Tell me, what be this month's password?" 
"Hark! There's sand in my shoes." 
A dry chuckle followed the words, and then the old man leaned over the cliff to cast down the rope to haul in the boat, and raised his eyebrows at the amount of guests he was to host. 
"I say! you could have told me we was havin' a party!" But he soon realized the cause for their numbers and his merry face grew sober. 

"I'm sorry for our substantial numbers. One of our boats sank, and we had to pile in this one. If you can't keep us here, we'll row back." 
"Right back to enemy lands? Not on your life! Up, all of ye... it's been a long time since I had this much company!" He replied with a warm smile. 
Detail shots...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

LCC GC5: Escaping!


"All right everyone! That's enough loading! Abandon harbor, everyone into the boats!"
"Bu-but, Angus, we can still fit two or three more barrels into-"
"It's not worth it! Everyone in! They took the keep a half hour ago, they should be only minutes from here!" 
The first boat was stuffed with as many people as it would hold, the oars were struck to the water, and they shoved off. 
But alas, just as Sir Angus had predicted, the foul, treacherous Queen's troops arrived. 

And in full stride, they sprinted towards the noble families trying to escape. 

"Augh!! They're coming!" screamed the people. 
"Then we'll be leaving!" Sir Angus shouted as he flung out his dagger and sliced the ropes that bound the second boat to the dock. With a mighty splash, the small wooden craft was afloat and rapidly heading away from the shore. 
The enemy were forced to halt their pursuit at the wharf's edge.
"Cursed Garheim pigs! Ye can run but ye can't hide forever!" screamed the leader of the wretched brigands.

Once the refugees were safely out to sea, they turned and looked back to see their beloved town as the smoke began to climb above it and flames rose to the gray heavens. 
"Where will we go, Angus?" queried Morgan. 
 Where no one will find us. Everyone, head due East." 

More pictures :)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Mini-MOTE: Sneaking..

This little guys hands work surprisingly well for gripping things. :)

Sunday, July 28, 2013


When I first saw Legohaulic's wonderful E-MOTEs, I knew I had to make one for myself, there just so cool! Unfortunately, I had to down-size the E-MOTE model due to a lack of parts. But I think the overall turnout was pretty good. :) 

More to come. 
~Brother Steven

Friday, July 26, 2013

Defending One's Own

Bulit for S&S's Art Of War contest.
For this moc, I wanted to go for more of an organic feel... less of a 2-d appearance.
It's also been very refreshing. I got to use unusual colors that weren't necessary for use in our other mocs. 
And it's been nice to be able to build again!

C&C welcome!
~Bro Steven

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Great Hall Of Rothburg

Erected high on a rocky plateau, stands a glorious keep which watches over the coastal Garheim city of Rothburg. Within this powerful fortress, an interior so grand, so spacious, and so impressive that it is unmatched in all of the Northern Garheim Peninsula. The Great Hall of Rothburg stands as a testimony of the grandeur of Garheim wealth and might. 

It is here that Sir Angus the Bold gathers family and friends from all over the province to join him in festive celebration!

Fourth Wall Commentary:
After two months of building and waiting for parts, it's finally done!
This creation is based off my entry to the global challenge 1 of the Lands of Classic Castle role-playing game. That build happened to place first, in 'The Royal Feast' challenge. 

This is it, re-visited!
I will be transporting this MOC as the crown jewel of my displays for Brickfair Virginia.
Please take time to check out the rest of the detailed shots below. 

C&C welcome! 






~Brother Steven 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Colonel Declan Blackwood

Formerly of the 43rd Northumberland heavy tank battalion, the Colonel was once a prosperous soldier.... but is now a humble explorer, mercenary, and salvager. His makeshift steam scooter helps him cover hundreds of miles in a single day, as he roams the desolate countryside.     
It's a new trend going around Flickr called Vapourlypes. I gave it a try, and 
I'm glad I did! it was a unique theme and quite refreshing.

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Scattered throughout the northern half of Roawia, this elusive monster can weigh up to 4 tons and grow up to 20 feet long! It's powerful arms are used to tear down trees and gobble up nuts and fruits therein. The Megatherium is among one of the largest land animals ever seen, rivaled in it's size by only a few species of elephants to the south and the great yeti to the far north. But in the province of Lenfald, this beast holds the crown as the biggest mammal to walk the forest green.
Fourth wall commentary:
Part of my Animals of the Lands Of Classic Castle series. And this is my fav so far!
The name Megatherium comes from the two Greek words, mega which means great, and therion which means beast.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Red Warrior

This is one of the several custom figs that I'll be bringing to BFVA.
A lot inspiration for this one came from the duct tape wars that my brother and I fought years ago.
This fig represents myself. I personally used an ax or sword, and my shields were almost always round,
and the helmet that I wore in the field of battle is surprisingly similar to the Brickforge battle helm.
C&C Welcome :)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Flashback~ Nature In The Brick

These peaceful, lush builds have tremendous inspiration behind them. 
The creation on the top was in inspired by the great landscape builders of Flickr, the MOC itself depicts a Warrior returning home. The large tree and river were built for the LEGO Landscape contest, the river (my favorite) was based on a photograph my dad took on our vacation to Tennessee :)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Figs For The Feast

Now some you may already know that myself and my brother are on our way to Brickfair VA. My project was to rebuild the great hall of Rothburg which was one of my favorite MOCs since joining the online community.  
  The figs at the left of the collage are all based off of LCC Garheim members.  Each of these will be feasting with one another in the MOC.
If you are one of said members and you do or do not like the representation of your fig, please leave a comment.

~Brother Steven

Friday, June 21, 2013

Elite Rothburgian Guard

Some new figs that will appear in my contribution to Brickfair Va! 
I'm really liking those new BrickArms halberds! C&C welcome. :)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Animals Of LCC: Work In Progress.

This is the start of my latest animal project that I'll be bringing to 
Brickfair Virginia! Here are three hints as to what it is. :)
 1. It's really big!
2. It's extinct.
3. Its claws are supposed to be like that.

Start guessing! :)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

LCC Garheim: Marching Around

Sir Angus The Bold and some of his highlander band march across the frigid icy glen.
A quick free-build for the month of June :) C&C welcome.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Neo-Austrian Howitzer Battlion

Now you're probably thinking. "Woah?! Steven's actually making steam punk soldiers?"
And I suppose they do classify as steam punk. For me, ideas like these sorta drop out of the sky. It started with the barrel bomb, then the troops. It's not really my usual theme but I had a lot of fun with it, and that's what building's all about! :) 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Where No Man Has Gone Before!

There's nothing like a neat patch of mushrooms to stick a
 bunch of epic space minifigs in! I don't usually take outdoor pictures, but this 
was too cool to pass off. :)

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Animals Of LCC: Giant Sea Lion

Found all over the Garheim coastlines, the giant sea lion is one of the most populous animals in the North. 
Unlike its cousin to the south, the smaller rock sea lion, this giant sea lion is surprisingly large, which aids its escapades through the choppy Garheim ocean. 
I've been having fun with that pinhole effect on my camera! And by the way, if you ever come across a monster fighters set, get it - the wolverine claws are a great part and very useful... they made a nice pair of whiskers for this fellow!

C&C welcome!
~Bro Steven

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Garheim Local Challenge XI

"Forwarrrrrd, MARCH!"
"Compannny, HALT!" 
"Prepare footings... " 
"Company, Halt!" 
"Hold Position... Excellent work, men! At ease." 

"My, these trainees are turning out well, aye Angus?" 
"Indeed they are, Eric! These new strategies I learned in Loreos can be applied quite well here in Garheim." 
"Where did you find these lads, anyway?" Eric queried. 
"They were stonemasons, but since the war is drawing to a close and fortifications aren't as necessary, it's time we taught the next generation the art of warfare." 

Closeups. :)

Monday, June 3, 2013

Flashback~ Colossal Castle Contest 10!

This wonderful series of memorable MOCs were built last year for the Colossal Castle Contest 10 on the Classic Castle Forums. Over the period of two months I created eleven entries And won first place in the Daring Escape category. If you'd like to see more pictures of these MOCs check the sets here

Saturday, June 1, 2013

A Standoff!

"I've got me a very bad feeling about this Flörik" Alwin stated. "I vote we charge!" Herald fiercely uttered. "Over those wet rocks though the stream?" queried Flörik. "No, my friends, the only way out of this is to stand our ground!" 

It's pretty nice to have an older brother who loves to build elaborate rock walls and cliffs, and will let you borrow them when he is done! :D 

Friday, May 31, 2013

The Final Frontier...

Captain's log: Star Date 3072.4 We have made a successful landing on Tairus 9 and the landing party has wasted no time in gathering samples of this strange planet, so far they have collected type C5 vegetation, small ponds of moisture that are fit for human consumption, and a variety of unusual geological formations. And there seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere...

close ups :)

Shuttle craft. R.15

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Heroes of Garheim

Sir Edward Rotherlund~ Lord Ian Monford ~ Prince Enoch Eindrik~

Three majestic winter warlords of Garheim history.
 During the first colonization the northern Garhim peninsula, Sir Edward Rotherlund (top left) and his Convoy of settlers were met by a nasty clan of Vikings. During the parlay, the treacherous mongrels assaulted the settlers and during the heat of the fray, the Viking chieftain lost his head from Sir Edward's claymore. After this, the Vikings fled until they reached the Isles of Lost Souls. The settlers then founded the coastal city of Rothburg and named it after their beloved leader.
  A few years after Sir Edward came a man named Lord Ian Monford, (middle) a brave and noble knight of the realm, who sought fame and prestige, and received both by slaying beasts and vanquishing Outlaws. His greatest achievement, however, was his victory over the The Black Yeti of Ran Gor.

Prince Enoch Eindrik, father of Prince Jhirian Eindrik, was one of the wisest men in all Garheim, when he was but 15 he read in the scrolls of a great battle AX deep inside a vast network of Dwarven caves, it took him months but the young Prince finely found his reward. An ax made from solid diamond! he loved it above all his treasurers, and before he died he hid it away again, and carried it's secret to the grave... or so they think.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Animals Of LCC~ Wolferine

Probably the most ferocious and dangerous carnivorous beast in 
all of the land of Roawia. The Wolferine is a master of survival. Known mostly In the south western side of Garheim, and in the mountains of Lenfald these mongrels almost always hunt solitary and will devour anything from moose to beehives in search for food.

I made this thing months ago, for my Animals Of LCC series and
 I completely forgot to post it. So enjoy! 

Flashback~ The Tribe of Array

High in the hills, North of the Atles continent, lived a nomadic nation of fierce warriors
 known as the The Tribe of Array.
This was a series of creations I built a long time ago for the Legends of Brickdom on Flickr. 
Not all of the builds turned out the way I had hoped, but for the most part I enjoyed this theme. 
And who knows? I might try it again some time... 

If you'd like to see more pics just look here :)

Entering Anselm

Entering Anselm 

Flörik Yhonisson and his brave clan of Foresters clash with Brigidarin troops over Navo River

Detail Shot :)

A Few Little Things about Me

Hi, I'm Brother Steven! 
I'm 17 years old and I live in the Southeastern United States.
I'm a Christian and proud of it. 
I've been homeschooled since the day I was born!
I have my own business, Warfare by Duct Tape.
That tall guy in the middle of the picture is me. 
I absolutely LOVE Lego and I'll be posting most of that on this blog. 
My brother and I are also on You Tube.